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Friday, October 1, 2010


       To have a President with an unconfirmed religion is the main subject in the article written in the US News.  The author is presenting the readers with the implied actions by the media and the White House that President Obama is a Christian and is not a Muslim.  The author is not real strong on making the point that he doesn't believe but it I believe it is implied by the questioning of the actions of the press releases involved by the White House and the illusion of a Christian family in the White House.  I believe the targeted audience is any religion that will listen and all Americans that are concerned with the honesty of the government.  The author's intent was to present evidence of the actions that are clearly a ploy to fool the American people and to keep religious groups at bay with no clear cut decision.  I really don't agree with a Muslim in control of this great country but I really despise a dishonest person in office.  No matter what religion a person chooses or whatever it may be have the courage to stand up for your decision.  The author has no reason not to be a credible source and the proof is in the reading with the White House and media releasing certain photos of the family going to church.  The article can be read at this link Presidential Religion.  I strongly believe in having a religious President that should not have the same radical opinions in religion as the same terrorists that the government is protecting the citizens of the United States.

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