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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Democrats Opinion (BLAH)

     This article about a left wing democrat trying to persuade Republicans to believe as a Democrat would and push his beliefs on his family and other readers.  Many people will not get into a conversation about politics with friends or family because it always seems to turn out bad and neither side wins.  The blogger is Logan Murphy with the article youre-so-left-wing.  This article is presented to the left wing Democrats persuading them that they can convert people to the wrong side of the government.  He also tends to bring up points about the Republican Party that are very general.  Having people try to persuade a family member or a friend of their political views is just wrong.  People need to make a choice of party by which party will help you the most and be better for the country.  Everyone has an opinion and I really don't want to here it unless you can bring facts and not accusations.  The blogger really feels like he made the world a better place since he convinced one of his cousins to jump on the left wing bandwagon.  This blogger isn't very credible and he provides no type of evidence or argument that contains any facts.  He seems to just justify his beliefs and can't accept maybe that a person that does not make millions of dollars can believe in the fundamentals and platform of the Republican Party.  Many people in this day and time believe in a little bit of what each has to offer but then have the tendency to fall back on one party.  I personally believe people should back what is best for them and not to allow public opinion persuade their thoughts and beliefs.

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