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Sunday, November 28, 2010

The President, Congress, and the Military!!!

     Having served in the military for 20 years, I find Democrats in office are destroying the military once again.  First it is the pay freezes, then the reduction in bases, ships, planes, and then the troops.  Having a President that has never served in his armed forces is terrible, and allowing people to serve in Congress without honorable service is a disgrace.
    These are the same people we elect to look after our country and ensure our best interests are being represented.  The President is the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces and he has the ability to freeze the military pay increases and send our troops into harms way.   The President is not in touch with the troops if he believes the military families can survive with a 3 year pay freeze.  Members of the Senate and the House that have served in the military are diminishing year by year and are just looking to cut money from service members that need it in pay and in military resources.  It is like a person to the Supreme Court that has never been a judge.  How can an elected official send the men and women of our Armed Forces into a war zone or away from their family and then vote to freeze their pay?
     I would love to have all members of the United States government have to serve in the Armed Forces so they would know what it is like to go to combat or on a mission with inadequate supplies or have to worry about your family members when you are away because they may not have enough money.       Now the President has an overpaid committee to recommend military pay freezes for 3 years.  To me it’s obvious where the money needs to come from, all the committees, congress needs freeze their automatic pay raises, and reduce excessive government spending like aides, personal planes and entertainment.
    Leave the military pay alone because they are already underpaid for their sacrifice. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


    I appreciate your opinion on the political parties and I agree with your analysis of the government with the statement of who has the money has the power.  This is true and whichever party has the majority in Congress has the ability to separate the parties.  Your sad state of affairs blog shows frustration of the American people and their expectation of the government.  I agreed with you until the time you went to belief in Obama, but as for that statement, I belief he is overwhelmed in the White House and was never qualified to be President.  Having six years in a state government office does not qualify him to be President.  Obama has been in office for almost 2 years and the country is still waiting for these changes. 
     The only thing Obama is going to accomplish in the White House is to keep the country in turmoil and hopefully will not get re-elected by the Americans sold on we need a change that will never happen.  Obama needs to quit fighting with the Republican party and work with them and not against them.  The Obama administration need to hold people responsible and stop trying to ensure that people get handouts at taxpayer expense and allow people to work for what they need.